2016 Photo Album
- Three Hierarchs celebration 1-31-16
- Holy Ascension Church 2-14-16
- Sunday of Orthodoxy 3-20-16
- School Celebration of March 25
- The Akathist Hymn
- His Eminence Metropolitan Nikitas of Dardanelles 4-17-16
- Palm Sunday 4-24-16
- Holy Thursday
- Holy Friday Vespers
- Holy Friday Epitaphios Procession
- Resurrection Service
- Pascha in the Greenport Metochion
- Mother's Day School Celebration
- His Eminence Metropolitan Maximos of Silyvria 5-21-16
- Graduation - Exetaseis 6-11-16
- Festival of St. Nicholas Church June 10-12
- Festival of St. Nectarios Church June 24-26
- Feast and Festival of St. Irene July 27-31, 2016
- Elevation of Holy Cross
- Blessing of the Waters in Greenport
- Blessing of the School Year
- School Celebration for October 28
- St. Nectarios Festive Vespers
- Feast of St. Andrew
- St. Nicholas Festive Vespers
- Archbishop Demetrios Geron of America Visit
- Christmas celebration of the school