- Theophania
- Ordination of H. G. Bishop Ierotheos of Efkarpia
- Welcoming of His Grace Bishop Ierotheos
- Hierarchical Liturgy with H. E. Metropolitan Nikitas
- Pascha 2017
- Great Hierarchical Vespers of St. Efraim
- Sunday of the Samaritan Woman
- Graduation - Exetaseis of the Greek School
- The Miraculous Icon of St. Irene in Brooklyn
- St. Nectarios School Exetaseis
- Great Hierarchical Vespers of St. Marina
- Annual Feast and Festival of St. Irene Chrysovalantou
- The Dormition of Theotokos
- Elevation of Holy Cross
- Blessing of the Waters in Greenport
- Visit of H. E. Metropolitan Maximos of Sylivria
- Nameday of H. G. Bishop Ierotheos
- St. Nectarios Great Hierarchical Vespers
- St. Nicholas Great Hierarchical Vespers and Divine Liturgy
- Christmas school celebration